Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Practical 2

In this lab, we have to search the Internet for ONE Personal and ONE Organisational website based on the research topic I had selected in Practical 1 which is the latest trends in the music industry for teenagers.

Research on Personal websites

I have used Google blog search engine to search for some personal website. Well, thanks phyo for introducing me this search engine. Otherwise, I would be still using google search to do my research. After using Google blog search, I find it more efficient and easier. More relevant results were displayed in the screen.

Personal website(blog): abc

Research on Organisational websites

I have used Google search and Yahoo! search engine to search for organisational website. From these search engines, I found some organsational websites such as MTV and Billboard. In these websites, you are able to find news, songs, artists and many more about latest music trends.


From this lab, I have learnt new search engine such Google blog search engine that allow me to find blog easier. And also, the different between a personal website and a organisational website. Using bibliography for the online resources to put in our assignment.

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